Three Wise Men: toy prices increased below inflation

Three Wise Men: toy prices increased below inflation

The Three Wise Men are positioned as the third key date for toy stores, standing out for their prominence in the market. Find out the estimated average ticket and expectations regarding consumption behavior for this celebration.


The Three Wise Men represent andhe third annual event in which toy stores and other businesses significantly increase their sales, taking advantage of the recent rebound in consumption. In this framework, a private analysis estimated the expected expense for this date, considering the prices of the most demanded products.

The report belongs to Focus Market where promotions and discounts available through banking entities were revealed, as well as prices and offers in Open Sky Shopping Centers, shopping malls, marketplaces and supermarkets.

“Sales for Three Wise Men are aimed exclusively at children, maintaining its relevance as a traditional gift-giving date in Argentina. Toys, clothing and sporting goods stand out as the items with the highest demand projection. The estimated average expense per gift reaches $47,460,” explained Damián Di Pace, Director of the Focus Market Consulting Firm.

According to projections, The most chosen gifts will be toys (25%), followed by clothing (16%) and sporting goods (11%), among others.


According to projections, the most chosen gifts will be toys (25%)

According to projections, the most chosen gifts will be toys (25%)

“With the Three Wise Men the new Simple Installment with financing in 3 or 6 installments only available for SMEs. However, there are a wide variety of offers, promotions and discounts through banks and digital wallets managed by the private sector to boost sales for this commercial date,” explained Damián Di Pace, Director of the Focus Market Consulting Firm.

Regarding the channels chosen by the Three Wise Men to purchase gifts, continues to lead the traditional channel of Open Sky Shopping Centers with 32%, This is followed by Electronic Commerce with 26% (Marketplace 36%) and Shopping with 24%.

Besides, the price of toys only increased by 40%, below inflation.

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Shopping centers are the most chosen for shopping during the Three Wise Men

Shopping centers are the most chosen for shopping during the Three Wise Men

“The prices of potential gifts for the Three Wise Men had average increases of 32% annually, well below the average interannual inflation projected for the first month of 2025. Merchants need to move stock and convert their products, which in many cases were left over from last year, into flow. where sales for this date had fallen 13.6% according to CAME”, Di Pace concluded.

Source: Ambito

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