For PRO senator, Mauricio Macri “does not have support to compete with Javier Milei”

For PRO senator, Mauricio Macri “does not have support to compete with Javier Milei”

In this context, the senator Carmen Alvarez Riveroone of the references of PRO in the Upper House, analyzed that the current administration “would not have existed without a Mauricio Macri in 2007. I honor him, but today “He does not have all the necessary support and renewal to be alongside or compete with Milei.”

At the same time, the legislator pointed out that the figure of the former president “did not go away” and insisted that “he played a fundamental role” but that there is complexity in the current situation in which “he has to compete with a boy (NdR: in reference to Javier Milei) with all the youth, the power and even the support of more than 50% of society.”

Carmen Álvarez Rivero Mauricio Macri.jpg

Senator Carmen Álvarez Rivero with Mauricio Macri.

Even so, Álvarez Rivero maintained that “It is necessary that they transit in parallel for the PRO to survive“and that an eventual alliance “would be a mistake because there are people who want to continue being PRO in honor of the fact that many times in this time Milei has left us uncomfortable in the ways“. Beyond that, he pointed out on El Destape Radio that “it has saved us 30 years” in terms of adjustment: “I always wanted to do that, but without any success, without any young people or any journalist paying attention to us.”

The statements of the senator from Córdoba take on greater force given that She is one of the PRO members most aligned with the projects of La Libertad Avanza. In the 2024 activity, he differed from the majority of his block by voting against the repeal of the allocation of special funds for SIDE and even rejected expulsion of Edgardo Kueider.

PRO intervention in Córdoba

On December 13, Mauricio Macri he intervened PRO in Cordova and raised the tension to the maximum with the head of the party in the province, the national deputy Oscar Agost Carreñowho had called internal elections for February 2025. Álvarez Rivero referred to the situation of the party in the district, recalling that “a terrible election was made” and that “in Río Cuarto he got 2%.” “When you make a bad proposal, you get bad people, people don’t buy the label”he stated.

Likewise, he recognized that “PRO Córdoba is a cabaret, it’s anything” and pointed out against the former head of the party in the province: “Agost Carreño is a deputy appointed by the PRO in Córdoba but he did not even want to belong to the PRO block; That’s scary, but it’s the reality of my house.” “The only way is to respond to people. Rather than looking to institutions for the benefit of people, using institutions as a bridge to achieve what citizens want. That’s what it’s about: organizing society,” he added.

The situation opened a new chapter within the PRO between the leaders aligned with Macri and those closest to Patricia Bullrichlike the Cordoba deputy Laura Rodríguez Machadowho after the intervention criticized that “The members of my province, whom I defend, today are learning that the party at the national level has intervened in us.”

A similar situation is occurring in the province of Santa Fe, with the reaction of the national deputy José Núñez, who next to Gabriel Chumpitaz They represent Bullrich in the PRO block. This week, both decided to distance themselves from the current provincial administration, headed by the radical Maximiliano Pullaroto align with the libertarian leaders in the district.

Source: Ambito

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