Tierra del Fuego: the Cueva del Jimbo, one of the main tourist attractions of the National Park, collapsed

Tierra del Fuego: the Cueva del Jimbo, one of the main tourist attractions of the National Park, collapsed

This iconic landmark, known for its natural ice tunnel, had been a draw for mountaineers and explorers for years.

Photo: @DpBallester

The Jimbo Cavea popular tourist destination in the Tierra del Fuego National Parksuffered a collapse recent that caused commotion in the local community and among tourists.

This iconic landmark, known for its natural ice tunnel, had been a draw for mountaineers and explorers for years. However, due to constant ice falls and the fragility of its structure, access to the cave was prohibited in 2021.

Tierra del Fuego: the Cueva del Jimbo, one of the main tourist attractions of the National Park, collapsed

The collapse of the cave did not surprise experts who had already warned about the danger of landslides in the area. In 2022, a Brazilian tourist lost his life when a rock fell and hit him during an unauthorized excursion.


The collapse of the cave did not surprise experts who had already warned about the danger of landslides in the area.

The collapse of the cave did not surprise experts who had already warned about the danger of landslides in the area.

The loss of this emblematic site marks an end for many who considered the cave a special place of interaction with nature. Although the collapse left sadness, it also highlights the importance of previous warnings about the instability of the structure.

The Jimbo Cavewhich was located near the Sheep Canyonwill be remembered as a unique place in the region, although it now represents a symbolism of nature’s vulnerability to environmental change.

Source: Ambito

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