Autism: A woman has a headache and stomachache. What is the reason?

Autism: A woman has a headache and stomachache. What is the reason?

A student has been in pain for years and suffers from heart palpitations and diarrhea. A doctor discovers the reason – and is able to help her.

The young woman had been through an odyssey when she came to our clinic. Since moving to another city to study, she had suffered from stomach pain, diarrhea, heart palpitations and headaches. Various doctors checked her out. Blood was taken, she had a gastroscopy and a colonoscopy, stool samples were examined, a heart ultrasound, an ECG and an MRI of the head were done. All of the results were unusual. The family doctor then diagnosed a “somatization disorder”. This is the term used to describe physical complaints that cannot be explained by an organic illness. It is assumed that they are mainly caused by psychological factors, such as a lot of stress or conflict.

Source: Stern

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