
Reallocation of grassland in Mengerstraße on the home stretch

Reallocation of grassland in Mengerstraße on the home stretch

“A reduction in ventilation is then kept within the usual limits for the district” – according to planning councilor Dietmar Prammer (SP), this is the conclusion reached in a report commissioned by the project applicant. The aim was to find out what effects the three planned buildings on Mengerstraße would have on the local flow of cold air. However, this does not mean that the district can continue to count on the flow of cold air on hot nights. The only reason the construction project will not have an effect is that the planned JKU multi-storey car park north of Mengerstrasse will do so beforehand. According to the city climatological statement, its influence is “significant”. The report is therefore only half the story, says climate councilor Eva Schobesberger (Greens) and calls for an investigation into the effects without the parking garage.

decision at the end of January

But it probably won’t come to that. The JKU is sticking to its plans, the construction process is ongoing. On Tuesday, the change in the zoning plan will be discussed in the committee and should then be decided by the municipal council at the end of January. As reported, the property, which until recently was home to the morning dew gardens, is to be divided. The residential building project is planned for one half, and the other half will become property of the city, which intends to build a park with a playground there. “The decisive argument for us as a city was to offer all Linzers an attractive place here, which is used for recreation and as a social meeting place,” says planning city councilor Dietmar Prammer (SP). Schobesberger, on the other hand, considers the reallocation to be a “serious mistake”. the Building up grassland must be taboo.

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Source: Nachrichten

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