Finally pregnant: tips for the way to the dream baby

Finally pregnant: tips for the way to the dream baby

In baby happiness

“First and foremost, of course, is to pay attention to nutrition,” says Natalie Walch from the country pharmacy in Pinsdorf. “Lots of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, good oils and less meat, animal fats and sugars. All this helps to ensure that the body is well supplied with nutrients.”

The intake of folic acid is also strongly recommended. “It’s best to start with this when the desire for a baby arises, because folic acid reduces the risk of a ‘spine ulcer’ in the fetus. And this is greatest in the first few weeks, a time when women often don’t even know they’re pregnant,” says the pharmacist.

Stork’s bill and lady’s mantle could help with unfulfilled desire to have children. “Chaste tree is also part of this, it has a cycle-regulating effect,” explains Natalie Walch. All plants are available as tea or in the form of preparations.

Zinc and selenium for fathers-to-be

Men should also do something for their health, “because that increases the quality of their sperm,” explains Natalie Walch. “It has long been known that smoking, alcohol and stress are counterproductive.”

On the other hand, the minerals zinc and selenium, which are found in fish and wheat bran, for example, are particularly recommended. “But here I would use ready-made preparations because the dosage is quite simply higher.” (had)

Source: Nachrichten

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