
How loved is Carnival in Uruguay?

How loved is Carnival in Uruguay?

Thus, the results showed that 39% of Uruguayans don’t like Carnival very much, and at 25%, nothing. On the other hand, 18% responded that they like this traditional celebration very much, and 16%, that they like it quite a bit. The remaining 2% chose the option “does not know/does not answer”.

Among the preferred genres are murgas and, to a lesser extent, parodists and comedians.

Montevideo is the place where Carnival is most enjoyed and disapproved of

In general terms, the survey also showed that Carnival has greater approval in Montevideo than in the interior of the country, in a proportion of 40% versus 31%, although a methodological difficulty prevents breaking down the responses by department or jurisdiction.

Likewise, in the capital of the country the highest disapproval numberwith 32% rejection, while in the interior only 21% disapprove.

In socioeconomic terms, the taste for Carnival shows a greater emphasis on the middle sectors, in which it reaches 43%, and is lower in the lower-middle (25%) and lower (28%) strata. The survey also reveals that approval is similar between men and women: 35% of both genders like it a lot or a lot.

On the other hand, among people who identify with the left, the preference for Carnival is predominant, with 42% of the answers indicating that they like it “a lot”, and 28%, that they like it “quite a bit”; and among those who identify with the right, the opposite occurs. Barely one in ten Uruguayans identified with this political sector expressed a taste for Carnival shows.

Finally, for the Uruguayans, the murga is the preferred genre. Almost a third of the population (31%) expressed liking for this category. Then appear the parodists (17%) and comedians (15%), and quite close to them the lubolos (11%). The least preferred carnival genre is the magazine (5%).

Source: Ambito

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