
General Assembly, what were the reactions to the presidential speech?

General Assembly, what were the reactions to the presidential speech?

for the senator of Broad Front (FA)In addition, the tax resignation of 150 million dollars that the tax cuts will mean for workers, retirees and companies is a “modest figure, to think that it was a grandiose announcement ”. Meanwhile, as he declared at a press conference, the fiscal impact of the announcements “it won’t be that significant”.

Bergara appears as one of the opposition legislators spied on in the case of the former presidential custodian, another is his benchmate, Charles Carrerawho also referred to the words of Lacalle Pou on his social networks.

The senator stated that the President’s speech “talks about a ‘wonderland’ that is not ours“, since they “forgot” that the decrease in unemployment “is based on the drop in the worker’s salary”, that “the poverty of boys and girls from 0 to 6 years of age is worse than in 2019″, and that ” the cuts of 180 million dollars to Public Education: in two years”.


The FA plans a open convocatory for Friday, March 3 at 6:30 p.m., in Huella de Seregni, German Barbato 1431, where the National Political Table and the opposition legislators will analyze and evaluate “the performance of the current government, three years after the start of its mandate.”

Comments from National Party and Open Cabildo referents

The president of the National Party (PN) in Montevideo, Laura Raffo, was one of those who came out to defend the president’s speech. “We are facing a serious, complete and effective management of macroeconomics that allows us to do what the Economic Policy has to do: give people more well-being and bring more prosperity to the country,” he said.


Along the same lines, he stressed that, within this framework, “today’s announcements are very remarkable: more well-being will be achieved by lowering taxes.”

The leader of the Colorado Party, Guido Manini Rios, also held the announcements. “The measures announced they are going in the right direction and they mean relief for many people,” he said.


However, he made a reservation: “It failed to announce the increase in the minimum retirement”, and went even further with one of the measures: “Regarding the IASS, the forecast of its gradual disappearance tied to the growth of the country must be established in the Social Security law”.

Source: Ambito

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