
Lula da Silva spoke with Zelenski to organize the peace negotiations

Lula da Silva spoke with Zelenski to organize the peace negotiations


Last week Zelensky He had said that he wanted to speak with his Brazilian counterpart to explain the situation in Ukraine since he considered that in Latin America “there is no understanding” about the position of kyiv.

The Brazilian refused requests from the President of France, Emmanuel Macron, and the German Chancellor, Olaf Scholz, to send ammunition for the tanks of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization supplied for fight against russia on Ukrainian soil.

Lula assured last month that Russia “made a gross mistake” by starting the war and the invasion of Ukraine but held that Zelensky is also responsible for not seeking to stop the fighting with the phrase “When one wants, two do not fight.”

Lula’s peace initiative

Last week Lula made an urgent call to the neutral countries and those outside the European region to try form a group that was named as the “club of peace”.

He had announced that during his visit to Xi Jinping would propose that China assume a role in shaping peace negotiations.

Besides, Brazil voted with 141 other countries alongside the United States and Europe in the UN General Assembly in a resolution condemning Russia but it also calls for peace talks, together with regional partners such as Argentina and Mexico.

Source: Ambito

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