
Fernando Pereira believes that Lula’s appearance is great news for Uruguay

Fernando Pereira believes that Lula’s appearance is great news for Uruguay

The president of the Broad Front maintained that the government “failed” in matters of international politics and the signing of new agreements.

Photo: Networks Fernando Pereira

The president of the broad front (FA), Fernando Pereiramaintained that the “appearance” of Lula da Silva as the new president of Brazil is a “great news” for him Uruguaybecause it feeds the hopes that there will be “some international policy”, since all the previous ones that the government had “pushed” until now “they have failed“, as well as the signing of new agreements.

The party leader maintains that “China’s will is to make a Free Trade Agreement (FTA) with Mercosur“Therefore, with the arrival of Lula to power, the South American block could go more united towards a negotiation of an agreement with the Asian giant, since “ of that FTA that they promised us with China, in the fourth year we don’t have a single letterPereira commented.

For the president of the FA, the Brazilian president could help strengthen “regional integration.” In turn, he remarked that “of the Trans-Pacific Agreement (TPP) nobody speaks and Uruguay has the need to insert itself in the world, not only to sell what it produces, but to have a better impact”.

Fernando Pereira joined the voices critical of the situation of the border merchants

Pereira criticized the government for not proposing measures that help find a solution to the unemployment problem in border cities with Argentinawhere local merchants face an economic crisis due to the exchange difference with the neighboring country.

According to Pereira “thousands of jobs have been lost” in the departments of Paysandú, Río Negro, and Salto. However, the government did not take “not a single measure,” and “It’s not that the FA says so, the merchants say it“.

Yesterday, the mayor of Salto, Andres Limaexploded against the Executive Power through his Twitter account and said that “the national government is not doing the right thing“, given that “we have called for special border policies ad nauseam“.

Source: Ambito

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