MIEM will finance your insertion abroad, how to register?

MIEM will finance your insertion abroad, how to register?

He Ministry of Industry, Energy and Mining (MIEM) announced that it will finance jointly with the National Institute of Cooperatives (inacoop) the insertion abroad of cooperatives and MSMEs, through the creation of a fund that supports their participation, and the presentation of their products in different international trade forums.

According to the undersecretary of MIEM, Walter Verrythis tool will make “our companies more visible with their products abroad.” For the undersecretary, Uruguay it has models of cooperativism that are recognized worldwide, and that the opening to the exterior speaks of the maturity of the cooperative system, and its ability to have overcome internal problems.

“It is the objective of our ministry to develop more and more tools that allow us to help them grow and, in this case, to internationalize, which is not a minor challenge”, so “We will see the achievements when we look at the export numbers and find many more cooperative companies among those that are exporting or participating in fairs,” he said.

The head of Inacoop, Martin Fernandezexplained that the fund adds an approximate value to the $3,000, and it will be used to finance the participation of cooperatives and MSMEs in international business exhibitions, forums and instances, in an effort to reach new markets. He expressed that, in addition to financial support, both MIEM and Inacoop will provide support and training to maximize travel abroad.

Fernández commented that this “is a fund for the purposes of that the Uruguayan cooperatives that have an industrial matrix can participate in fairs, exhibitions and business rounds abroad and can generate those first contacts to open up to the world”.

How to enroll in the MIEM program?

Phase 1: Postulation.

Complete and submit the application form in ANNEX 1:

Documentation to present:

  • Current AIN regularity certificate (as appropriate).
  • DGI and BPS certificates up to date.
  • SME certificate issued by MIEM-Dinapyme.

The cooperatives and EESS must be registered in the register of Social Economy Entities and Solidarity of Inacoop and up to date with the payment of the Coercive Benefit (as applicable):

The application will be considered confirmed, once compliance with the above requirements has been verified. The applicant will receive a confirmation email. Applications are received through the “open window” system at: coopalmundo@inacoop.org.uy

Phase 2: Assessment.

An evaluation panel made up of representatives from MIEM and Inacoop will evaluate the proposal submitted. Prepare a report on the feasibility and potential of the project, as well as the amount of the subsidy to be granted.

The evaluation criteria are:

  • Relevance of the project in relation to the bases.
  • Clarity in the justification of the request.
  • Background and capacities of the cooperative or EESS.
  • Complexity of the project in terms of objectives setexpected results and proposed activities.

The court will be composed of:

  • Two representatives of Inacoop.
  • Two representatives of MIEM.

The decisions of the court will be taken by a simple majority (in the event of a tie, a vote by Inacoop will count twice).

If necessary, The court may request expansion or complementation of the information presented. by the applicantswhich must be provided within the period stipulated, under penalty of rejection of the project.

The court may request the advice it deems pertinent to evaluate the specific characteristics of any proposal. or request technical opinions if deemed necessary.

In all cases, The court will have a minimum period of 15 business days from confirming the application receivedto issue a decision. This period may be extended depending on the need for more information to be provided by the interested party and/or to make inquiries in specialized technical fields, according to the specificities of the application.

Source: Ambito

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