
Who will be the Argentine representative at the ceremony?

Who will be the Argentine representative at the ceremony?

The most important ceremony of the British monarch will be held this Saturday. Among the more than 2,000 attendees are heads of state and other recognized figures.


the ceremony of coronation of King Carlos III of the United Kingdom It attracts eyes from all over the world, so every detail is news. with approximately 2,200 guests confirmed, including Lula Da Silva and Jill Bidenwife of the president of the United States, everyone wants to attend the most important event of the year in the British monarchy.

Although the occasion does not have direct repercussions in Argentina, the Government appointed a representative to attend the different activities that the British monarchy will carry out during the weekend. Its about Argentine ambassador in London, Javier Figueroawho will represent the country at the king’s coronation ceremony.


Javier Figueroa.

The Argentine diplomat was already in charge of representing the country in the Elizabeth II funeral last year. On that occasion, Figueroa’s wife, Alessandra Viggiano Marrawas the protagonist of a moment that became viral and had wide repercussions on the networks.

The woman, also a diplomat, tried salute a british authority who was the receptionist where the funeral was held, and the man dodged his hand: The official broadcast, broadcast by the BBC, recorded the exact moment of the unexpected rudeness.

After that situation, Marra explained that the person in question was in charge of protocol of the ceremony and that, realizing the significance of the event, he contacted the Embassy to apologize and point out that he had not done it intentionally.

“We were passing by and all the people who came before me were shaking his hand. And they were shaking his hand because he is the ceremonial director, and he knows all the diplomats who are accredited in the United Kingdom. He sees that in an effort to let people in, he did not see me. He did not do it on purpose and there is nothing behind it,” the wife of the Argentine ambassador in London had highlighted.

Source: Ambito

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