The geopolitical dispute USA and China had its correlate in Uruguay this Friday, when the embassy of the Asian country published a statement in which it expressed its “categorical rejection” of the “wrong observationsfrom the American ambassador heide fultonwhom he criticized for “talk without foundation”.
The strong reaction of the institution headed by the diplomat wang gang It arrived two days after the statements made this week by the American in a meeting with journalists at her official residence, where she marked the differences in “values” between both countries in terms of freedoms.
China is moving forward with a large amount of investment in Latin America. On this, the North American pointed out: “All lunch is paid for.” In addition, the representative from Washington questioned the Chinese technologies and their proprietary companies for him data management and user privacy.
Fulton’s statements occur precisely in the midst of Uruguay’s negotiations for the free trade agreement (FTA) with China, delayed by the repositioning of the different actors in the mercosur based on trade with the Asian giant.
They intend to “disorient public opinion”: the response of the Chinese Embassy
“The 35 years of diplomatic relations between Uruguay and China have been characterized by mutual respect and strict treatment on an equal footing,” the Asian diplomats began in an official statement, where they recalled that the country “has been taking shape for 11 years as the first commercial partner and the largest market in Uruguay”.
Regarding the questioning of the companies in that country, the document adds that “the repeated unjustified accusations of the US have no other objective than to undermine the legitimate and fair management of Chinese high-tech companies, pretending to mislead public opinion”.
For the institution headed by Wang Gang, “bashing without presentable foundation” about the ties between China and other countries, “seems to have become the daily bread of the hierarchs of the US government”,
In that sense, they asked Washington officials to “discard the outdated Monroe Doctrine, ‘backyard’ and Cold War mentalitystop disturbing and sabotaging the ties of friendship and cooperation between Uruguay and China, and even less, haggling over the intelligence of the Orientals, who are as enlightened as they are brave”.
Source: Ambito