
Delgado continues to add support within the National Party to be a candidate in 2024

Delgado continues to add support within the National Party to be a candidate in 2024

The Secretary of the Presidency, Alvaro Delgadocontinues to add support within the National Party (PN) to become a presidential candidate for the 2024 general elections. Some “white” leaders perceive Delgado “a natural successor” of the administration of the current government of Luis Lacalle Pou.

After the Minister of Social development, Martin Mottopublicly announced that he was downgrading a potential presidential candidacy, and that, instead, he would support Delgado, various PN figures made their support for the Secretary of State known through Twitter.

Alejo Umpierrezmayor of rockassured on the social network that he has no doubts that Delgado is “the best prepared, the one with the team and government experience”, also being “the one who was in the ugliest, the one who does not open cracks and will rule for all“, in case of being president.

The Rochense hierarch colloquially described Delgado as “a gentleman candidate”, and paraphrasing Lema’s statements in the press, he maintained that he is “continuity with innovationof the current government administration.

Along the same lines, the undersecretary of the Ministry of Transport and Public Works (MTOP), Juan Jose Olaizolapointed out that Delgado “will be our candidate for the presidency of the Republic”, since “his management experience and political career endorse him.”

The CEO of the Ministry of Interior, Nicholas Martinelliassured that the Secretary of the Presidency “has experience in government management”, and “gave and gives certainties in the difficult“, hence “As a guarantor of dialogue, we are sure that it will govern for all“.

Another of the various nationalist politicians who demonstrated their support was the undersecretary of Public health, Jose Luis Satdjianmaintaining that “by 2024, Delgado is the one who has all the characteristics to be the best candidate”, and for “continue the task of leading the country“.

Astesiano said from jail that Delgado is “the next presidential candidate”

Last month, it emerged that the former presidential custodian, Alexander Astesianohe told the deputy prosecutor Ferdinand Romanthat within the government it is not known “who is friends with whom“, given that “they have had strange behaviors” towards him, and maintained that Delgado denies being linked to an unsuccessful purchase of the Sarubbi refrigerator by two Russian citizens, because be the next presidential candidateof the NP.

In the recording of the dialogue, Astesiano is also heard shooting at the minister of Inside, Luis Alberto Heberafter he denied that the ex-custodian was his personal driver, saying that “I was his driver for two years“, and “hired by the Dorrego Laboratory for him”.

Source: Ambito

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