
Leading water brands went out of stock, according to the president of Cambadu

Leading water brands went out of stock, according to the president of Cambadu

The president of the Center for Retail Storekeepers, Baristas, Self-Service Workers and Allied Uruguay (cambadu), Daniel Fernandeztold the press this Thursday that two of the leading brands in the sale of water in Uruguay, Coca Cola and hello out of stock“.

From Coca-Cola Femsa they explained that yesterday “an offset was generated in production and delivery capacity” as a result of the soaring demand for the product due to the increase in salinity in the running water of SBI.

The company is working hard” to be able to “accompany the demand for this product in their clients”, as a result of the “water deficit situation that the country is going through”, they assured from the firm.

“Yesterday I spoke with the management of the largest producer and distributor of soft drinks, and they told me that the day before yesterday and yesterday they were not taking ordersFernández told Radio Carve.

Fernandez explained that the large supermarket chains have started to sellexcessivelythe product after having doubled the order, although they are getting the product every two or three days, causing a “bottleneck” that cut shipments to retailers.

Small businesses that are embedded in all neighborhoods“, given that “the stock they have is for the week, no one has 300 water bags“said Fernández, and commented that”large surfaces can perfectly hold 15 days“.

Traders seek to anticipate a shortage of water stock

According to Fernández, some merchants would have gone to buy directly from Salus, outside of the company’s deliveries, and “they were waiting for hours“where in addition”They took the benefit they had from the 15% discount on cash payment“.

In turn, Fernández commented that the smaller companies in the interior offered their products to wholesalers at more expensive prices than this brand, and with the cost of freight in charge of the merchantsomething that was rejected at a general level.

everything got complicated“, since “the container production factory was left without the bases” and, then, “the production of drums begins to be scarce”, maintained the head of Cambadu.

Source: Ambito

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