Most of the victims claimed that the Chilean state failed to inspect the site in which they were trapped between August 5 and October 13, 2010.
13 years after the fact, 31 of the 33 miners who were trapped for 68 days in the San José mine in Chile720 meters deep, won a lawsuit against the state and each of them will receive about 46 thousand dollars. The two remaining victims decided not to join the lawsuit for personal reasons.
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The miners’ claim pointed out that there had been failures on the part of the entities in charge of oversight of the good condition of the deposits: the National Geology and Mining Service (sernageomin), the Regional Ministerial Secretariat of Health and Labor Department.

Thus, the State will have to pay a total of 1.4 million as reparation for the traumatic days they experienced between August 5 and October 13, 2010. According to the Chilean newspaper El Mercurio, many of the miners did not expect a positive resolution of the trial.
The miners’ claim
Luis Urzuathe then head of the group that entered the San José mine, considered that the payment of compensation represents a turning of the page in his life: “It is setting a precedent for mining in Chile. For me the money was not so important, but that this cycle had to be closed“, he expressed.
For his part, jose ojedathe man in charge of writing the historic message “we are fine at the shelter, the 33”, currently suffers from diabetes, heart problems and Alzheimer’s and pointed against the State: “In 2018 they were going to pay us 80 million pesos (93 thousand dollars) and the lawyers (from the CDE) appealed the first instance ruling and there we were lowered. Justice was not done here, it was done only to close the case“He said in dialogue with El Mercurio.

THE 33. The collapse of the San José mine, in Chile, occurred on August 5, 2010. The accident left 33 miners trapped who, for 69 days, remained alive at a depth of more than 700 meters. The tragedy had worldwide resonance. His rescue, which used NASA capsules, was the most watched live event in history.
Raúl Bustos and Juan Illanes were the ones who did not decide to join the claim. The first considered that the trial should be against the mining company and not against the State, while the second assured that he I was already “in another stop”.
Jorge Riosthe lawyer who carried out the claim of the miners assured that the payment of the compensation should not delay more than four months.
Source: Ambito