Exports of goods increased by 13% between January and July

Exports of goods increased by 13% between January and July

Uruguayan placements continue to improve, driven by better volumes amid a weak international price scenario.

Photo: Pixabay

The Uruguay’s exports of goods increased by 13% in the first seven months of the year, driven by good sales of cellulose and soy, Although burdened by the low pressures of the commodities globally. In this first part of 2024, China and Brazil They continue to be the main destinations for local placements.

Uruguay is going through a good moment in terms of exports regards: while it is still far from the record numbers of 2022, it is well above what was achieved last year, mainly due to the effects of the drought historical. In this way, with the recovery of the harvest soy and the start-up of the second cellulose plant in UPM, placements experience a rebound.

Thus, between January and July, they grew by 13%, according to data from Uruguay XXI. Including the free trade zonethe exports goods reached 7.333 billion dollars in the period, while in July they were 1.137 billion dollars, which meant an increase of 32% in the interannual comparison.

The main exported products

The cellulose was the star product of the year, the most exported and representing revenues of 1.355 billion dollars; that is, a year-on-year increase of 28%. The most important destinations were China, the European Union and USA.

The beef was the second most sold product abroad with 1.145 billion dollars, although the increase was a minimum of 1% because, although the volumes sold increased, the prices remain depressed at an international level. In this case, the three most relevant buyers were repeated, although sales to China fell by 24%, an aspect that was compensated by an increase in the values ​​exported to the United States.

The soy recovered from a negative year due to the impact of the drought in Uruguay and ranked third in the export list in the first seven months of the year. Sales amounted to 747 million dollars, with an interannual increase of 159%.

The report noted that exports of this product in July increased eightfold compared to the previous year. The largest sales of the month were in China and Malaysia; However, in the first seven months of the year the main placements were in the Asian giant, Egypt and Türkiye.

The fourth product was the beverage concentrate with 470 million dollars and a year-on-year growth of 12%. In this case, the main destinations were regional, highlighting Mexico, Guatemala and Brazil.

Source: Ambito

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