Summit between Nicolas Maduro, Lula da Silva, Gustavo Petro and Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador confirmed

Summit between Nicolas Maduro, Lula da Silva, Gustavo Petro and Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador confirmed

The Colombian foreign minister, Luis Gilberto Murilloconfirmed this Saturday that there will be a summit where Nicolás Maduro will hold talks with the presidents Gustavo Petro (Colombia), Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva (Brazil) and Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador (AMLO, from Mexico). It will be a call that will generate the meeting space for the leaders, two weeks before the elections in Venezuela.

According to the official, there were problems this week in arranging the call between the leaders and the current leader of Venezuela. However, the conversation would take place next week, according to what Murillo told local media.

“Maduro is right in saying that he has been very attentive and attentive to receiving this call and having the conversation that will be virtual with the three presidents, who They are in a diplomatic effort to mediate while respecting the autonomy and sovereignty“Venezuelan society,” Murillo told W Radio.

Nicolas Maduro.jpg

Nicolás Maduro confirmed his victory in the elections.

Elections in Venezuela: Maduro’s conversation with Petro, Lula and AMLO confirmed

In any case, he added that the foreign ministers of these countries are “in fluid conversation with leaders of the various oppositions.”

“The aim is to generate a dialogue that leads to very specific agreements. Maduro himself has said that he is willing to move forward on agreements“, the chancellor added.

Finally, he explained that “it is important to dispel any doubts, to move forward in having the levels of guarantees in these processes and that involves the whole issue of completing the scrutiny and the samples of the minutes, some technical issues.”

In this context, it is expected that during Maduro’s conversation with Petro, Lula and AMLO, the Colombian president will reiterate the position he has taken publicly.

This includes requesting a scrutiny of the voting records of the presidential elections in Venezuela, which, according to the National Electoral Council (CNE), declared Nicolás Maduro the winner. However, according to independent organizations, the winner would have been Edmundo González.

According to the most recent statements from Brazil, Colombia and Mexico, the governments indicated that the CNE is the body responsible for the “transparent dissemination of results.”

But they said an “impartial verification of the results is necessary, respecting the fundamental principle of popular sovereignty.”

Source: Ambito

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