The National Party is confident that it will rebound in the polls in October

The National Party is confident that it will rebound in the polls in October

Although the polls show that Broad Front As the winner of the presidential election, the National Party They hope that a resurgence will occur in the last stage of the campaign, a phenomenon that could occur from the advance of Open Town Hall and the Colorado Party accompanying the whites.

The latest polls have placed the whites in an unpromising position, a phenomenon that, according to sources of the blacksmithing, It could have to do with the announcement of Valeria Ripoll as a running mate on the presidential ticket Alvaro Delgado.

However, according to sources from the National Party who spoke with Scope, The decline in the polls after the primaries is common for the whites, so they hope that the polls will improve before the October elections.

Among the measures that give confidence to the National Party is the announcement of Diego Labat as Minister of Economy if he wins the elections, as well as promises in the educational field and expectations for even more initiatives.

On the other hand, in the face of the advance of Colorado Party In the polls, some white leaders are concerned while others say that both the Colorados and Open Town Hall They would have to rebound in the polls, a price that the whites would have to pay in order to continue governing.

They also referred to the electoral climate and said that, based on consultations with several political analysts, there is no atmosphere of change and voters expect continuity in the government.

Polls have the Broad Front as the favorite

According to the latest survey by Consulting Teams, The Broad Front was positioned with 43% of the voting intentions, while the National Party fell four points and reached 22%; Colorado Party grew two points again, reaching 11%; Open Town Hall remained at 3%; and both the Independent Party as Sovereign Identity reached 1%.

A highlight, in addition to the improvement of the PC to the detriment of the PN, is the comparison of the 2024 elections with those of 2019, with an overwhelmingly favorable scenario for the FA, which grew 13 percentage points compared to the voting intention of 30% in July of that year.

Instead, the coalition has fallen by 11 points, going from 48% at that time to the current percentage. To get to that situation, the National Party and the Colorado Party They fell back four points, while Open Town Hall three others.

Source: Ambito

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