the projects to be discussed

the projects to be discussed

The government of Javier Milei made official the called to extraordinary sessions in it Congress of the Nation to debate seven bills, among them, the elimination of Open, Simultaneous and Mandatory Primaries (STEP) and the document that requires agreements from the Senate, among them, those of the judges for the Supreme Court. The 2025 Budget will not be discussed.

The call, anticipated by Scope, was ratified by the decree 23/2025, published this midnight in the Official Gazette. The session will begin on January 20 and end on February 21.

The agenda of projects to be discussed includes the “Anti-mafia Law”, modification of the Criminal Procedure Code in order to regulate the ““Trial in absentia”regimen reiteration and unification of convictions, Law of Reform for Electoral Strengthening, Clean sheet, Law on Compensation and Update Index of Brokenness and the consideration of sheets that require agreement from the Senate of the Nation.

The Law of Reform for Electoral Strengthening proposes, among other issues eliminate the PASSED (Simultaneous and Compulsory Open Primaries) in addition to modify the Organic Law of political parties and their financing system.

For the Government, the PASSED “have functioned as a million-dollar survey at the service only of politics and to the detriment of the economy and the time of Argentines”, with a cost in 2023 alone of $45,445 million pesos and the obligation for Argentines to “have to go to vote last year three times.

However, today the consensus is not meeting to pass this law, since Unión por la Patria and the PRO propose suspending the PASO for this year, while the libertarians insist on its definitive elimination.

For its part, the new project of Clean sheet, on which work is being done and the details are not yet known, after the project originating from the PRO deputy fell Silvia Lospennato, situation that led to a conflict between that party and La Libertad Avanza.

After that controversy, Javier Milei spoke on the phone with Lospennato to commit to putting together and promoting a new project because the one he authored had aspects that he did not share. The purpose of the initiative is to prevent people with confirmed convictions from running in elections.

The rest of the projects that will be discussed before March, when the regular session begins, include the law of repetition (which already have a ruling), trial in absentia and the anti-mafia law (which has a half penalty).

Finally, the Government left the debate on the national budget for 2025 off the agenda. Despite successive requests from governors and legislators of the dialogue opposition, the libertarian administration decided to extend the current budget, which dates back to 2023.

The Government sends the specifications in extraordinary sessions to complete the Milei Court

The agenda will include the documents that require agreements from the Senate, among which are the appointments to the Supreme Court of Justice of Ariel Lijo and Manuel García Mansilla.

As reported Scope, The window of opportunity is between January 20 and February 21. The senators spread the version that the Executive would be willing to approve Lijo’s application to join the highest court and that there could be a swap for the second candidate, with a woman proposed by the opposition. Before Ámbito, that version was completely denied. For the ruling party, the “both or neither”.

Now, with Lijo much closer to obtaining approval through the Senate’s constitutional endorsement mechanism, The Government confirmed to this medium that, if that happens, the decree to appoint García Mansilla “on commission” will be ready on February 22and thus complete the Supreme Court as Javier Milei designed it when he announced his candidates.

Guillermo Francos on the extraordinary sessions: “We are a minority bloc, we need agreements”

The Chief of Staff, Guillermo Francos, assured this Sunday that the National Government will seek agreements with the opposition blocs to try to advance with the agenda proposed by Milei for extraordinary sessions. “We are a minority bloc. We always need to seek agreements, and in some cases it is more complex than others,” highlighted the minister.

In statements to the program “If it happens, it happens” on Radio Rivadavia, Franks confirmed that the ruling party will send “a Clean File project that has been worked on since last November.” “They said we had an agreement with the Kirchnerism. It was totally false. We just wanted to have the best project for this,” said the Chief of Staff.

Meanwhile, he maintained that “the agreements for judges and their promotions demand a greater political discussion,” but maintained: “We will seek, as always, agreements for their treatment.” “There are 150 documents ready to be dealt with by federal judges, chambermaids, and the reality is that the National Government wants to deal with them. It has to get the agreements,” Francos insisted.

The projects that will be debated in the extraordinary sessions of Congress

  • Anti-mafia Law: Bill to comprehensively address organized crime in the country (Msje. 15/24, Deputies File 1-PE-2024, Senate File 18-CD-2024).

  • Trial in Absentee: Modification of the Criminal Procedure Code and the Federal Criminal Procedure Code (TO 2019) to regulate the conduct of the trial in the absence of the accused (Msje. 45/24, Exp. Deputies 9-PE-2024).

  • Reiteration and unification of sentences: Bill that proposes modifications to the regime of repetition, concurrent crimes and unification of sentences (Msje. 18/24, Exp. Deputies 4-PE-2024).

  • Reform for Electoral Strengthening: Bill to reform the electoral system, which includes the elimination of PASO and adjustments to the financing of political parties (Msje. 64/24, Exp. Deputies 22-PE-2024).

  • Clean Sheet: Bill that establishes restrictions on holding public office in the event of a criminal record, to be sent by the National Executive Branch.

  • Compensation and Loss Update Index: Bill related to compensation and update rates, also to be submitted by the National Executive Branch.

  • Senate documents: Evaluation and consideration of documents that require agreements for appointments and promotions in the Honorable Senate of the Nation.

What are the extraordinary sessions called by Javier Milei?

Every year, the Legislative Branch – represented in both Chambers of Congress – begins the ordinary period of sessions that runs from March 1 to November 30 of each year. However, the Executive Branch has the power to call a meeting outside of that period of time, when it considers that the “iinterest in order or progress” requires it.

In that sense, the Constitution – in its article 99 – allows the President to convene legislators during the summer months, so that they debate different bills that are considered of urgent nature.

When calling sessions during the extraordinary period, the Executive Branch is responsible for establishing, with the decree in which the call is made official, which are the projects that Congress must address. Likewise, the President is the only one with the power to define the legislative agenda that will be debated in both Chambers, unlike what happens when the Executive Branch decides to extend the ordinary period, where legislators have greater power when deciding what laws They will be debated on the premises.

Source: Ambito

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