Dollar today: how much it closed on Wednesday, August 14

Dollar today: how much it closed on Wednesday, August 14

He official dollar-without taxes- closed at $922.79 for purchase and $981.76 for sale. In it Banco Nación, the bill marked the $919 for purchase and $959 for sale.

In the informal square, The blue dollar remained far from his record, According to a survey by Scope in the caves of the City.

He Central Bank (BCRA) bought US$33 million and chained six consecutive days with positive net balances in its foreign exchange intervention. However, the gross reserves of the monetary authority fell by US$11 million to US$27.571 billion (first drop in four-wheel sales).

How much did the official dollar trade today, Wednesday, August 14?

In the official exchange market, the wholesale dollar rose 50 cents to $941.

How much was the dollar futures traded today, Wednesday, August 14?

In it Matba Rofexthe future dollar for the end of August remained stable at $956. In September it fell 0.2% to $986.50, while in October it fell 0.2% to $1,019.50. In December it fell 0.6% to $1,090.

In the last 30 days the December contract has fallen by almost 7%which reflects the slowdown in market devaluation expectations, in a context in which the BCRA does not seem to give any indication of abandoning the crawling peg of 2% per month, and in the face of the hope that the disinflation process will be sustained over time.

During this day the president Javier Milei assured that the Government does not intend to devalue since he does not want to “destroy” the Argentines.

How much was the blue dollar sold for today, Wednesday, August 14?

He Blue dollar closed stable at $1,355 for sale, According to a survey by Scope in the caves of the City.

How much is the MEP dollar worth today? Wednesday, August 14

He MEP dollar ended at $1,268.81, so the gap with the official is 34.8%.

CCL dollar value today, Wednesday, August 14

He dollar Cash with Settlement (CCL) marked the $1,269.33 and the spread with the official one it reached 34.9%.

Dollar card price today, Wednesday, August 14

He dollar card or touristand the dollar savings (either solidary) closed in $1,534.40.

Crypto dollar quote today, Wednesday, August 14

He crypto dollar or Bitcoin dollar quoted at $1,534.40 according to Bitso.

Source: Ambito

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