YPF launched the “Real Time Center Intelligence”which uses Artificial Intelligence and Starlink to improve from Buenos Aires the efficiency and productivity of hydrocarbon wells in Dead Cow.
The room, located on the 26th floor of the YPF Tower in Puerto Maderooperates 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Energy Report He toured the facilities and was able to see the high level of integrated technology applied. It is an operations center for decision making in real time of the most advanced drilling and well completion activity in the country.
In the “brain” they are analyzed in real time more than 80 key indicators (KPI’s) and more than 100 variables are received to help make the best decisions in the field. For example, they observe minute by minute the pumping activity in a 7,000-meter Haliburton well in the Loma Camapana field, 1,300 kilometers from the Obelisco. This information also serves to generate objectives and standards of quality and efficiency, which the company itself intends to improve.
YPF Real Time Intelligence Center (RTIC)
“We have lost wells for two minutes, and it is not only the loss of costs, but also the loss of earnings. This is an absolute change in the way of working and it is also a change that also improves people’s quality of life. who worked in the wells, who always had to be in the field. With this, productivity is improved, times are reduced, costs are reduced and professional decisions can be made.“, said Horacio Marinpresident and CEO of YPFduring the presentation, who also announced that standards will be raised every three months.
As detailed from YPF During the visit, in the RTIC – for its acronym in English – 88 professionals work in 7 operating units: 5 for drilling wells, from where the 20 tower equipment that operates in Dead Cow; and 2 termination points from which up to 8 fracture sets can be controlled simultaneously. Engineers, geologists, data science experts, men and women, work with a special regime of 12-hour shifts for 7 days a week, and rest the next seven.
YPF Real Time Intelligence Center (RTIC)
A key to making the intelligence center work is connectivity in Dead Cow. In this case it provides Starlink, by Elon Muskwith its thousands of satellites, which allowed the data transmission time to be reduced and provided an extraordinary communication capacity between the Tower and the field. In Patagonia they connect at 300 megabits per second and there are 90 cameras that allow you to see what is happening in the wells in real time. The deleay is less than 5 seconds.
There are few oil companies in the world that have a similar monitoring system. ExxonMobil uses it in Permianthe southwestern basin of the United States. According to YPF, with Artificial Intelligence production times can be reduced by half. “There is no more advanced technology than this,” they said.
YPF Real Time Intelligence Center (RTIC) Artificial Intelligence
For example, a well of more than 7,000 meters longwhich requires the joining of drilling components every 30 meters, took 19 days to be ready, because these connections were made every 4 minutes. Now, when applying the new efficiency parameters to reduce times, connections are completed in 2.30 minutes. This saved 24.9 hours of work, which represents almost a full day of operation. “If you multiply that by hundreds of wells, it means many thousands of dollars,” they noted in the Tower.
But also the Artificial intelligence In the next two months, it will allow the start of a stage of drilling wells on autopilot, similar to that of an airplane. YPF specialists explained that the precise parameters will be assigned and the software itself will act based on that order. “Artificial Intelligence works very well in drilling, extraordinarily, and we can maximize speed. At the same time, it also allows us to reduce the percentage of tool breakage because by correlating the 100 variables there may be things that we do not see in the field and that physics does not detect. “It’s a big management change,” Marín described.
YPF Real Time Intelligence Center (RTIC)
Josefina Marinelli, a geologist graduated in Tucumán with a Master’s Degree in Gas and Oil from the Universidad Austral, is 31 years old, has been working at YPF for six years and is one of the 14 women operators of the smart center. “Here it is total control 12 hours a day, looking at the screens, having radio communications and systems. It is a dream come true to be here, I have dreamed of this all my life,” he said.
With the “Real Time Center Intelligence” Nor will it be necessary from now on to go to the wells to verify activity. It took geologists up to three days to arrive at the operation site to profile the well. With this “brain” you can access more and better information from Buenos Aires, with experts in front of the screens, and through a sophisticated alert system, failures and inconsistencies can be prevented. With all this information, added to the use of AI elements, room operators can make – second by second – the best decisions so that each well in Dead Cow be the best, at the same time setting a new standard, and .
The RITC joins the “Toyota well” that Marín promoted when he arrived in YPF and they constitute key pillars of the company’s 4×4 strategy that aims, among others, to take advantage of the full potential of non-conventional vehicles. “We are very happy to inaugurate this room that will allow us to significantly improve the way we operate in Vaca Muerta. We have to challenge ourselves daily to be better, setting new standards and seeking constant innovation. “That is the way we are going to achieve operations of excellence,” stated the president and CEO of YPF.
“I thank the entire team that made this room possible that did not exist four months ago and is a reality today. We are not going to stand still and we are going to extend this data work methodology to all of the company’s businesses to increase the value of the company,” Marín concluded.
Source: Ambito
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