
How can we transform the perspective to promote transvestite, trans and non-binary integration in the private sector?

How can we transform the perspective to promote transvestite, trans and non-binary integration in the private sector?

Much has been said, discussed and exposed about the barriers faced by the Trans, Transvestite and Non-binary community to access formal employment. Data collected by the Transform the Gaze initiative[1] indicate that this is the reality of 8 out of 10 trans people in Argentina, as a result of stigma, discrimination and low educational levels achieved.

In this line, the data also show that 70% of the trans population never went to a job interview after assuming their gender identity. It is estimated that 60% of the trans population engages in prostitution and that 87% would stop doing so if they had another job opportunity. The lack of support and exclusion results in an alarming figure: trans life expectancy is 37 years and only 1% reach 60 years of age. It becomes essential to talk about how to start reversing this reality.

Faced with this context, from companies we have a responsibility as agents of transformation and much to do to improve the statistics on trans, transvestite and non-binary employability, and to be facilitators of formal work. This is the case of Avon and Natura, both companies from the same group, have come a long way in this regard and a Commitment to life by 2030, in which one of the pillars is to defend human rights and be more humane, with the aim of creating fairer, more reasonable, diverse and inclusive conditions in all its networks.

In this search and convinced that the path is to work in coordination with others, in 2022 we joined the Transformar la Mirada project, a collaborative initiative of the Mocha Celis Civil Association, Sunshine Lab and Grupo Muchnick that seeks to make visible the capacities and experiences of the TTNB community to favor their labor integration in the private sector.

This alliance allowed us to review our practices and work on action plans to generate work spaces prepared to receive trans, transvestite and non-binary talent, as well as promote their permanence. For this, we understood that it is necessary to sensitize and train the organization’s collaborators, because many times resistance or fear comes from misinformation, and to promote that the perspective is transversal and not an issue only of the Human Resources area. Also delve into the selection and hiring processes to achieve true integration.

We know that much remains to be done and in this way it becomes relevant to give visibility to the issue because when we talk about issues of Diversity, equity and inclusion it is not about affirming “we are diverse, we are equitable, we are plural” but rather to promote initiatives that allow generating a true change of perspective, more inclusive, and that is sustained in the long term.

Human Resources Manager of Natura and Avon in Argentina

Source: Ambito

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