
Is Father’s Day a Second Class Day?

Is Father’s Day a Second Class Day?
Sunday is Father’s Day.
Image: colourbox.de

Michael Schäfl

Michael Schäfl

Editor Politics

Beer and men’s fragrance

Mother’s Day is still weeks away and the advertising machinery is already in full swing. Mothers are carried on their hands, flower, chocolate and jewelery shops are looted. Days before Father’s Day, the marketing engine chugs quieter. Public perception is limited; Beer and men’s perfumes are on offer, that’s what men want. Rather not.

At a time when the concept of gender is softening, when men raise their children alone and childcare is no longer the sole task of women, there is also a need for equal treatment of the holidays and a reflection on the essentials: more time with loved ones. And anyway: What does a beer campaign bring on Sunday?

Gerhild Niedoba

Gerhild Niedoba

deputy Head of regional department

Long outdated

The alleged imbalance between Father’s Day and Mother’s Day is the subject of lively discussion in relevant forums: while mum is honored with flowers and a household help, dad is allowed to fill “his” holiday with hobbies and friends.

Luckily, in times of equal parenthood and open gender roles, such clichés will do away with themselves. Because it has long been commonplace for children that mothers also leave the house in the morning to earn money. And they aren’t surprised when their dad makes the food after they come home from school. And that’s why both sides have long been honored with a similar program – a day with the family.

What is your opinion on this?

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