Victoria Villarruel complained about her salary and claimed that it is lower than that of a spokesperson

Victoria Villarruel complained about her salary and claimed that it is lower than that of a spokesperson

The vice president used her social networks to express her opinion on the controversy over the senators’ salaries. In addition, she assured that she is “the one who earns the least” of the high-level officials.

Victoria Villarruel She complained about the salary she receives as vice president and assured that she earns “less than the President, the deputies, the senators, ministers, judges, diplomats, spokespersons” and more. The comments come in the midst of the controversy over the salaries of members of the Senate, which, finally, will be frozen until the end of March.

In a new chapter of the internal La Libertad Avanza, the vice president made her defense through responses she left to her followers in the comments on her Instagram. “Soon they will pay me two chirolas and I am vice”, declared Villarruel.

Victoria Villarruel complained about her salary

The vice president of the nation did not escape the debate over the salaries of the senators and, through her social networks, claimed that her salary is the lowest among high-level officials. “My salary has been frozen for a year and the prepayment increases, taxes increase, it is not enough for anyone to live honestly off their salary,” The vice president revealed that he receives a salary of approximately $3,764,821 without discounts.

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Villarruel claimed that Deputies increased their allowances by 70%.

Villarruel claimed that Deputies increased their allowances by 70%.

@victoria.villarruel / Instagram

In his comments, Villarruel launched attacks on the Government and, particularly, on the head of Deputies, Martín Menem. “Martín increased his diet by 70% because he is a deputy and now they had an increase again. Let’s tell the truth, please. “I don’t believe that a country is built by lying or hiding things,” he responded to another user.


The vice president receives a salary of approximately $3,764,821.

The vice president receives a salary of approximately $3,764,821.

@victoria.villarruel / Instagram

All of Villarruel’s responses took place in the post that the vice president uploaded to Instagram in which she announced two days ago that signed a decree to freeze senators’ allowances until March 31to prevent them from reaching the $9.5 million. “The senators pay for their food, they travel to their provinces, I don’t know if they have another ticket. I don’t have the time for anything and on top of that the State doesn’t authorize me to win a decent salary for my role”.

The fight over the freezing of salaries

After pressure from the nation, Villarruel issued a decree in which the freezing of allowances for members of the Upper House was postponed. If the measure was not applied, they began to receive salaries close to the $9.5 million monthly in the rough.

The last update of the salary system for senators was carried out in a vote without debate in April. From there, and given the module scheme to which the allowances are subject, the income of the Senate legislators exceeded the $7 million.

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Villarruel stressed that she is one of the top-level officials who earns the least.

Villarruel stressed that she is one of the top-level officials who earns the least.

@victoria.villarruel / Instagram

“I have signed the Decree that orders andFreezing of senators’ allowances until March 31, 2025 so that they can deal with it in ordinary sessions. They added the blocks to my order Renewal Front of Social Concord, LLA, PRO, UCR, The United Provinces and Freedom, Work and Progress. It is my intention that the Senate accompany the Argentine people in the effort they are making,” said the head of the Senate of the Nationin a publication on social networks.

The decision came after the vice president of the ruling party, Bruno Olivera Luceroasked the vice president in writing to rescind the increase in allowances planned for this month, in a strong confrontation between Milei and her running mate.

Source: Ambito

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