Romina Manguel responded to Elba Marcovecchio after the suggestion that she had been Jorge Lanata’s lover

Romina Manguel responded to Elba Marcovecchio after the suggestion that she had been Jorge Lanata’s lover

The lawyer hinted that Manguel had been the driver’s lover and the journalist responded forcefully with a message on social networks.

Two weeks after the death of Jorge Lanata, Elba Marcovecchiohis last wife, ignited the controversy with harsh criticism of the journalist’s family environment and statements about alleged romances with other women.

The lawyer hinted that Romina Manguel She had been the driver’s lover and the journalist responded forcefully with a message on social networks.

Romina Manguel’s response to Elba Marcovecchio’s accusation

In an extensive text that she published on her X account, the communicator did not mince words to defend herself and express her indignation. “Lanata, you are missed more today. Because I don’t know what you would have done if you heard your wife talk the way she talked about your daughters, their mothers, them, your true loves.“, Manguel began in his publication, alluding to Marcovecchio’s comments.

The journalist denied the lawyer’s statements: “I don’t know if it’s funny that I insist that we were lovers. Or that we exchanged sexual favors. No one who has met you can believe it. Your charisma, intelligence, sweetness made the magic that not even a thousand Hermès could do against good women who fell so much in love with you.” The journalist referred to a phrase that Marcovecchio had mentioned: “What I would do to you for a Hermès wallet.”

Next, he elaborated: “Believing that you needed transactions such as handing over an apartment. in Estrugamou ‘for love’ I find it vomitous. And oblivious. We had more intimacy being friends and holding hands on sad and cold nights than perhaps you ever had in a relationship with a ring and everything.. “I’m sorry for the mess.”

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Finally, Manguel reflected on the possible reaction that Lanata would have had in the face of this new scandal: “This is the first time I wonder if you would have laughed at this too. You who told us to shit on everything. Don’t worry. The girls are two authentic LANATA. And their mothers two lionesses. They’re going to be fine. “Loveyouso.”

Source: Ambito

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