The new measure of ANSES that will facilitate the procedures to thousands of retirees

The new measure of ANSES that will facilitate the procedures to thousands of retirees

The state agency already provided all the information about this fundamental element to help older adults in vulnerability.

The retirement and pension system contemplates the possibility that beneficiaries designate a Representative to carry out various procedures before the National Social Security Administration (ANSES). This figure is fundamental for those older adults who, for different reasons, cannot personally manage the collection of administrative assets or procedures.

A attorney is a person legally authorized by a retiree or pensioner To act in his name against Anses. Its role is to facilitate the management of procedures and guarantee the collection of assets when the holder cannot do it personally.

The process to designate a attorney must be carried out in ANSES and requires complying with certain requirements such as the approval by the body and the correct presentation of all the necessary papers and documents.


Who can be attached to Anses

The agency confirmed that the following people of the family group can be seized:

  • The spouse, a pension cohabitant, mother or father, grandfather, great grandfather, son, grandson, great -grandson, uncle, cousin, brother, nephew, son -in -law, daughter -in -law, stepmother, stepmother, stepfather, father -in -law, stepping, stepdaughter or brother -in -law. Likewise, a special representative for a certain time can be appointed

What procedures can the proxies to ANSES perform

Attached can collect retirement or pension money While they are also a fundamental element to help the beneficiary to access the benefits that Anses or Pami provides without the need to go in person.

This means that a agent It may be the one who presents medical recipes of retirees or will withdraw their remedies and medications, in order to collaborate and facilitate these situations.

Source: Ambito

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