
Statistics: Social benefits 2022: increase remains below average

Statistics: Social benefits 2022: increase remains below average

State social benefits rose only slightly last year – and even fell when inflation is taken into account.

The increase in state social benefits was lower last year than the long-term average. For example, significantly less unemployment benefit I was paid than in the previous year, as reported by the Federal Statistical Office in Wiesbaden. The sum shrank by 14.8 percent or 3.1 billion euros thanks to the recovery of the labor market.

Overall, the so-called monetary social benefits increased by 1.4 percent. The long-term average calculated since 1991 is 3.1 percent. In view of the inflation rate of 6.9 percent last year, this even resulted in a price-adjusted decline in these services, the Federal Office explained.

The state protects against social risks with monetary social benefits. The total amount last year was 619.3 billion euros. In 2021 it was 610.9 billion euros, as the Federal Office announced. The benefits also include child benefit (-5.1 percent year-on-year) and social and youth welfare (-0.8 percent). In contrast, public pensions and cash benefits from German pension insurance increased by 4.4 percent and 3.9 percent respectively in 2022. With an increase of 28.3 percent, expenditure on housing benefit rose particularly sharply, which the Federal Office attributes to the heating cost subsidies in view of the high energy prices.

Source: Stern

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