Justin Trudeau resigns – his career in pictures

Justin Trudeau resigns – his career in pictures

Canada’s soon-to-be-former prime minister
Knockout in the second round – Trudeau’s political life in pictures

With Justin Trudeau’s departure, Canada is experiencing its Joe Biden moment. A deep fall for a great in world politics. But whoever falls low has first climbed high. A review.

It was a bang after a long fuse, for many too long, that Justin Trudeau triggered on Monday. In the end, it was no longer possible to avoid the fact that he resigned after nine years as Canada’s prime minister – but the absurd height of the pile of shambles he left behind was certainly unavoidable.

Justin Trudeau – about the “long fall from grace” of a “Sun King”

Parallels with the much older Joe Biden in the neighboring country come to mind. They both clung to power desperately, overestimated themselves and their importance for their own party, and faced reality too late. Like the senior Southern Democrat, Trudeau ultimately realized “that if I have to fight internal battles, I’m not the best option for the election.”

“Sun King” now calls him the “worst prime minister of all time.” He is said to have had a “long fall from grace.” But: those who fall low have first risen high. A look at Justin Trudeau’s political life – and everything that happened next to it.


Source: Stern

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