Politicians and politicians: attacks on official and mandate providers significantly increased

Politicians and politicians: attacks on official and mandate providers significantly increased

Politicians and politicians
Attacks on official and mandate providers increased significantly

The tone towards politicians becomes rougher. Again and again there is also violence against official and mandate providers. This is now also shown by preliminary figures from the Federal Ministry of the Interior.

The number of reported crimes against official and mandate holders again significantly increased in Germany last year. This emerges from a preliminary evaluation of the Federal Ministry of the Interior to a request from the left-wing member of the Bundestag Martina Renner, as reported by the Editorial Network Germany (RND). The answer is also available to the German Press Agency in Berlin.

According to this, the Federal Criminal Police Office (BKA) recorded a total of 4,923 such acts by the deadline on December 31, 2024. In 2023 there were 4,047 crimes against official and mandate providers until the same key date. In comparison to the year, this is an increase of more than 20 percent. The official and mandate carriers include mayors, district councilors, city councilors or MPs.

The police’s police can register corresponding acts from last year to the BKA until the end of January. The number that has only been preliminary so far should still increase. According to BKA in Bavaria (747) and Baden-Württemberg (633), most of the crimes were registered in country comparison, followed by North Rhine-Westphalia (540) and Berlin (533).

Renner: “Wave wave of attacks on mandate holders”

“Permanent agitation against democratic institutions, such as the marking of the CDU/FDP-MDB as a deviation with a photo according to the type of anti-antifa, inspire a wide wave of attacks on mandate,” Renner told the RND against the background of the latest coordination in the Bundestag for a draft law on migration. This failed on Friday despite the AfD approval because votes from the Union and FDP were missing. Renner complained: “Every four days a violent attack and a fifth of more crimes show that often only the confrontation is sought.”

The President of the German City Day, Markus Lewe, described the numbers as alarming. “It is terrifying that people who are committed to other people are becoming a target,” said the mayor of the city of Münster. Lewe warned a respectful way of dealing with each other, even with politically completely different points of view.

At the same time, attacks on the police and judiciary would have to be consistently followed and punished. Even minor attacks and personal defamation should not be trivialized. Additions, marches in front of houses and threats belonged to the Criminal Code. In addition, “municipal monitoring” must be extended to hate and agitation towards officials from the federal government, Lewe demanded. It provides reliable numbers and insights into how often and in which areas the incidents occur.


Source: Stern

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