Tucumán: Osvaldo Jaldo inaugurated a prison complex for 900 inmates

Tucumán: Osvaldo Jaldo inaugurated a prison complex for 900 inmates

The governor of Tucumán, Osvaldo Jaldoinaugurated this Thursday the first stage of the Benjamín Paz Penitentiary Complex, located in the town of Trancas, where he set up four pavilions, out of a total of eight.

The establishment is at kilometer 1347 of National Route 9, within a property that includes electrical, water, sewer and gas infrastructure; a central area composed of an access, control sectors, administration, zoom, visiting sector, kitchen, production workshops and health areas with the capacity to house 900 inmates in this first stage.


“Today we see the first stage completed, with four pavilions. However, this work will have eight in total. It is a project that went through difficult institutional and economic times, which was neutralized due to lack of funds, because there were no resources to continue with its execution. And in this first year of government, we assume the challenge of continuing with the work with changes in government and different methodologies,” Jaldo said.

Present at the event, representing the national government, was the Executive Secretary of the National Internal Security Council, Ivan Velasco.

At that point, the Governor of Tucuman highlighted the relationship of dialogue and respect with the national government that allowed the execution of the complex to continue: “I was the object of criticism for my dialogue position with a government of another party, but we are in a democracy and we have to accept the decision of the popular will, because 14 million Argentines voted for President Javier Milei. In democracy you have to respect the results when they favor you and even more so when they do not favor you.”

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“We established a very good institutional relationship with the national government, of dialogue, respect and reciprocity. Tucumán received financial aid through the Minister of Security, Patricia Bullrich, and the Chief of Staff, Guillermo Francos, who have brokered the Nation to manage funds for this work. We recognize the contribution of the national government to complete this work. We Tucumans are grateful,” said Jaldo.

The Governor stated, finally, that the work “It is the most important at the national level. And this year there will only be two: Tucumán and Santa Fe. The Benjamín Paz prison is the first to be inaugurated in the first year of the president’s administration, Javier Milei.”

The modern complex is located 54 kilometers from the capital of Tucumán and will have the capacity to house 900 convicted inmates and distributed in several functional modules by type of crime, conduct and sentence condition, respecting human rights standards and treaties, the requirements of design and monitoring of the parameters of the penitentiary complexes, according to law 24,660.


This is the largest prison project carried out in Tucumán in the last 100 years, respecting the new paradigms of open campus-type penitentiary design, due to the spaciousness of the prison property. 130 hectares with 18,000 square meters covered. The updated amount of the work is $24,554,017,597.88.

Iván Velasco, secretary of the Internal Security Council of the Ministry of National Security, for his part, said: “We are accompanying the Nation, both in the execution of the work and in the inauguration. Governor Jaldo’s prison and security policy is very aligned with what Minister Patricia Bullrich’s policy is and what the President of the Nation, Javier Milei, always mentions in his speeches and in his way of working.”

“It is clear that we are aligned in combating crime, drug trafficking and, in this case in the province, drug dealing with defederalization (through provincial law No. 9188). The Nation is working hard…

Source: Ambito

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