Journalist Ezequiel Guazzora was sentenced to ten and a half years in prison for sexual abuse

Journalist Ezequiel Guazzora was sentenced to ten and a half years in prison for sexual abuse

The journalist and former candidate for provincial deputy for the Principles and Values ​​party, Carlos Ezequiel Guazzorawas sentenced to ten and a half years in prison, accused of having sexually abused a teenager in the year 2023in his house in the Buenos Aires neighborhood of Caballito

The victim had been handed over by her mother in exchange for money and drugs. The woman was sentenced to ten years in prison, being considered a primary accomplice to the abuse. Her identity is not published to preserve the identity of the teenager.

The sentences were imposed by the Oral Criminal and Correctional Court No. 24, made up of judges Maximiliano Dialeva Balmaceda, Marcelo Alvero and Javier Esteban de la Fuente.

Guazzora had been on the run for 67 days until his arrest on October 21 of last year by personnel from the Argentine Federal Police (PFA)in the Buenos Aires town of Merlo.

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Guazzora was arrested on October 21, 2023 in the Buenos Aires town of Merlo, after 67 days on the run.

As explained on the news site of the Attorney General of the Nation, “For judges Balmaceda, Alvero and De la Fuente, Guazzora is responsible for the crimes of sexual abuse with carnal access, minor injuries and resistance to authority. In addition, a single sentence of 12 years in prison was set for him, since it was unified with a sanction of three years in prison that he had received from the Federal Oral Court (TOF) No. 3 in 2021.”

“In line with what the prosecution had claimed, the court ordered that, once the sentence is final, the man’s genetic profile be obtained and extracted with the aim of it being sent to the Genetic Data Bankaccording to Law No. 26,879, which created the National Registry of Genetic Data linked to Crimes against Sexual Integrity“, it was added.

The Public Prosecutor’s Office, represented by the Attorney General Ana Helena Díaz Cano and the tax assistant Leandro D’Ascenzohad requested 18 years for both, considering that they were also responsible for the crime of corruption of minors.

Guazzora’s arrest in 2023: 67 days on the run and accusations of corruption of minors and sexual abuse

In April 2023, the court ordered an arrest warrant with a reward for journalist Ezequiel Guazzora. His search was carried out by the secretariat of Capture of Fugitives (Secap), which depends on the Prosecutor’s Unit Specialized in Complex Criminal Investigation (Ufecri), in charge of José María Campagnoli.

The Federal Police arrested him in a house in the Buenos Aires town of Merlowhen was hidden by a friend and thanks to that a phone that I was using The geolocation was returned.

According to the complaint, Guazzora sexually abused a minor under 15 years of age given by her mother in exchange for narcotics, both for the victim and for her.

When testifying before the Court, the minor showed “coherent and well-structured speech” and even identified in detail the place where the events occurred.

Even as evidence provided by the Stop Trafficking and Trafficking Network (RATT Argentina) and the Office of Trafficking and Sexual Exploitation are the messages he sent you Guazzora via Instagram messaging to the minor’s mother, offering drugs in exchange for handing over her daughter to be sexually abused.

Source: Ambito

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