Gal Gadot revealed that she underwent surgery for a brain clot during her pregnancy

Gal Gadot revealed that she underwent surgery for a brain clot during her pregnancy

Gal Gadot revealed that he underwent a emergency surgery for a brain clot at the same time she gave birth to her daughter.

In an emotional update on social media, the actress Wonder Woman She said she wanted to share her trauma story to help raise awareness about cerebral venous thrombosis in pregnant women.

The ordeal occurred in February, during the eighth month of her pregnancy, when Gadot said she experienced “unbearable headaches” who forced her to stay in bed.

After undergoing an MRI, surgery was recommended. “At one point, my family and I realized how fragile life can be,” he said.

Gadot, 39, continued: “We rushed to the hospital and, within hours, I had emergency surgery. My daughter, Ori, was born in that time of uncertainty and fear. His name, which means ‘my light’, was not chosen by chance”.

“Thanks to an extraordinary team of doctors at Cedars-Sinai Hospital and weeks of dedicated care, I managed to move forward and began the road to recovery. Today I am completely healed and full of gratitude for the life that has been given back to me.”

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Gadot is married to Jaron Varsanoan Israeli businessman. They currently have four daughters: Alma, Maya, Daniella and Ori.

Gal Gadot’s work present

Beyond her health problem, Gadot continues with her career, in November it was confirmed that she will be part of The Runneran action thriller set in London that will be directed by Kevin McDonald.

She will soon be seen starring as the Evil Queen in the live-action film snow white of disneywhich is scheduled for domestic release on March 21, 2025. Gadot also recently wrapped production on In the Hand of Dante of the director Julian Schnabeland has numerous projects in development under his production company, Pilot Wave, along with Varsano.

Source: Ambito

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