
Military Expert: Tanks and Missiles Help Ukraine for Territorial Gains

Military Expert: Tanks and Missiles Help Ukraine for Territorial Gains

Watch the video: military expert Walter Feichtinger explains the situation in Ukraine.

Military expert and conflict researcher Brigadier (General) aD Walter Feichtinger.
About the situation at the front, further German arms deliveries, the importance of British long-range fighter jets and the possible delivery of Western fighter jets.

  • The continued delivery of German battle tanks is extremely important for Ukraine
  • Long-range British missiles allow Ukraine to attack Russian logistics in the rear
  • Western fighter jets would help Ukraine but could not be delivered for the earliest in 6 months
  • Bachmut only a field of ruins – Russians expect Ukrainian offensive

Feichtinger is a military expert and conflict researcher, former commander of a tank battalion, political scientist and, above all, long-time head of the Institute for Peacekeeping and Conflict Management of the Austrian Armed Forces.
Battle tanks are core elements for territorial gains
Feichtinger summarized: main battle tank like the now additionally promised German Leopard are a key element in reclaiming terrain.
With long-range missiles, as delivered by the British, which can work far into the depths of the battlefield. This allows them to shell Russian supply facilities, command centers and concentrations of forces. “That means the range is a huge improvement for the tactical capabilities of the Ukrainian armed forces.”
Delivery of fighter jets to Ukraine takes time
The delivery of western however, “from the situation of the weapon systems (…) would of course be the next logical step.”
Should the western fighter jets come, however, they could not be used so quickly.
They would have a completely different technology than the MiG and pilots would have to be trained for it.
Skepticism is still high in both Europe and the USA. If you decide to do this today, then – optimistically estimated – the first ones would not be ready for use until autumn at the earliest. So it would take at least six months. Maintenance systems and fire control in the air would also have to be coordinated first.
Despite this, Ukraine has so far proven that it can quickly integrate new systems. “With the tanks or the air defense systems, months have passed before they were actually on site and ready for action. With jets, at least this time estimate can be expected.”
Above all, the jets could be used to detect the enemy in the air. They would probably be used less to fight the enemy on the ground.

To the situation in :
“It’s an incredibly relentless battle, meter by meter on the ground, which is actually already totally devastated and shelled and is really just a field of ruins.” Ukraine has already recaptured a few square kilometers to the north and south.
“The flanks of Bachmut are extremely crucial for the further conduct of the fight.”
According to Wagner troops, Russian troops had withdrawn. However, Feichtinger warns against too much optimism. After all, the battle over Bachmut has been going on for months. “However, we already have a different situation. There could be a small, local domino effect if the first Russian troops hastily retreat, that this spreads to the others and chaos ensues in the battle.”
The omission on the Russian side is that they use regular armed forces and the mercenary troops there. “Unity of leadership – especially in such a competitive area – is a supreme principle of military leadership. And what we are seeing here is exactly the opposite.” If Ukraine advances, they will still encounter enormous counter-defences. Because the Russians have prepared for it. Ukraine must now recognize Russian weaknesses.

Nele Balgo talks to military expert and conflict researcher Brigadier (General) retired Walter Feichtinger.

Source: Stern

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