
Developers from the Russian Federation received 100 million rubles for the creation of an AI teacher assistant

Russian developers received 100 million rubles for the creation of an AI teacher assistant for the Unified State Examination. For the first time, artificial intelligence was able to successfully check the exam essays of schoolchildren for different types of errors.

According to Izvestia, participants in the NTI Up Great PRO//READING competition managed to overcome the technological barrier and create an AI English teacher assistant. The prize fund of the competition amounted to 100 million rubles. It was divided into two teams: DeepPavlov (80 million) and Nanosemantics (20 million). For the former, the efficiency of the solution was 107% compared to the results of checking by a real teacher. Efficiency from “Nanosemantics” – 105%.

Artificial intelligence competed with experienced teachers – USE experts, who manually checked essays, and the results were compared under the guidance of a competitive and expert commission.

AI developers face many challenges. At the moment, despite the individual successes of educational institutions, there is no methodology for preparing and conducting courses on the topic of AI, says Boris Trigub, head of the student support center at the Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology. However, this does not mean that AI developments are not practiced in studies.

Ivan Samoylenko, managing partner of the B&C Agency, believes that AI technologies will be most quickly introduced in higher education institutions where there are opportunities for this (personnel, equipment; for example, experimental work of students and teachers in specialized departments).

In the last couple of years, various state projects have been called upon to develop and popularize AI. In the future, machine learning will save teachers from the routine checking of work, and medical students will be able to hone their skills in VR space. At the same time, developers are waiting for a separate regulation that will simplify the work with the data array.

Read more in the exclusive Izvestia article:

The teacher from the machine: how artificial intelligence will help students

Source: IZ

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